Natural healing therapy for A good night sleep
海谦 【皇帝内经】摘要

Natural healing therapy: Deep sleep is also when the pituitary gland secretes important hormones, like human growth hormone, leading to the growth and development of the body.
Other benefits of deep sleep include: energy restoration cell regeneration increasing blood supply to muscles promoting growth and repair of tissues and bones strengthening the immune system
What happens when you don’t get enough deep sleep? Deep sleep is responsible for helping process the information you encounter each day. Without enough, the brain can’t convert this information to your memory.
Not getting quality sleep is also linked to conditions, like Alzheimer’s disease heart disease diabetes stroke
The deep sleep stage itself is associated with certain disorders, like sleepwalking night terrors bedwetting sleep eating
How much deep sleep do you need? You spend roughly 75 percent of your night in non-REM sleep and the other 25 percent in REM sleep. Of this, around 13 to 23 percent of your total sleep is deep sleep. Natural healing therapy for helping us deep sleep
That said, deep sleep decreases with age. If you’re under age 30, you may get two hours of deep sleep each night. If you’re over age 65, on the other hand, you may only get a half-hour of deep sleep each night, or none at all.
There’s no specific requirement for deep sleep, but younger people may need more because it promotes growth and development. Older people still need deep sleep, but not getting as much doesn’t necessarily indicate a sleep disorder.
How do you know how much you’re getting? If you wake up feeling exhausted, it may be a sign that you’re not getting enough deep sleep.
Without side effects, Standing Meditation and Traditional Chinese Medicine physical therapy are the major solutions for getting your deep sleep.
Tips for better sleep: Heat may promote more slow-wave sleep. For example, taking a hot bath or spending time in a sauna before bed may help improve your sleep quality. Eating a low-carbohydrate diet or taking certain antidepressants may also promote deep sleep, though more research is needed in this area. Read more