Why Tremor Therapy Good For Health?

Why Tremor Therapy? Tremor Therapy, rooted in Taoist tradition, offers a simple yet effective method to promote relaxation and expel sickness from the body. By engaging in trembling exercises for just ten minutes, one can achieve a profound state of relaxation. The concept draws parallels to the alignment of iron filings under a magnet’s influence, symbolizing the alignment of biomagnetism within the human body.
According to this perspective, the human body functions as a bio-magnet, with biomagnetism governing the body’s meridians. When sickness occurs, biomagnetism becomes disordered, leading to blockages in the meridians. In contrast, a healthy individual exhibits orderly biomagnetism and unobstructed meridians. Through conscious movement, akin to the movement of iron filings responding to a magnet, one can align the body’s biomagnetism with the Earth’s geomagnetic field, resulting in healthier meridians and overall well-being.
During tremor therapy, negative energy is drained from the body through acupoints, particularly the Yongquan (Bubbling Spring) on the feet. This process expels toxins, eliminates fatigue, and enhances blood circulation. Additionally, the therapy adjusts the body’s magnetic field, expelling cold, dampness, and sickness from the body, thereby promoting health and preventing disease.
The synchronization of inhalation with universal energy intake facilitates the unblocking of meridians, an essential aspect of the therapy. Following the tremor phase, it is crucial to focus on clearing and replenishing the body. Mindfulness plays a key role in guiding the body to expel negative energy while absorbing positive energy through the Baihui (Hundreds Meeting) acupoint above the head.
After expelling sickness, practitioners utilize the Dantian, an energy center located below the belly button, to further regulate and replenish energy. Specific hand gestures and movements, such as tapping the teeth and rotating the tongue, facilitate this process. The completion of the therapy results in a sense of calmness and improved mood, attributed to the unblocking of meridians and the free flow of energy throughout the body.
In summary, tremor therapy offers a holistic approach to health maintenance, emphasizing the importance of aligning biomagnetism, unblocking meridians, and replenishing energy for overall well-being.